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Infertility & IVF In Max Hospital Saket New Delhi India

IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization) is a type of assisted reproductive technology which involves a series of procedures to treat fertility and assist with the conception of child. During IVF, mature eggs are collected (retrieved) from your ovaries and fertilized by sperm in a lab. It is true that both men and women have an equal likelihood of suffering from infertility. Due to increased work stress, hectic and fast-paced urban lifestyle, environmental toxins, and delaying marriageable age – the chances of infertility are rising significantly.

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    Sometimes, a reason inexplicable to infertility may cause more frustration and depression in couple’s life. Therefore, it is important to opt for a fertility treatment process that assures you. We at Max Healthcare are committed to offering the best and ethical treatment for fertility and assisted reproduction.

    What is IVF?

    IVF or In-Vitro Fertilization is a process where the egg is retreived and combined with the sperm outside the body i.e., in-glass fertilization, and the fertilized embryo is then transferred to the uterus.

    In some cases where the patient uterus is not favourable for the pregnancy we also provide surrogates for them where the surrogate uterus is used for the pregnancy, and the resulting child born is genetically unrelated to the surrogate.

    The cause of infertility may include Hormonal imbalance in both men or women, trouble in ovulation in women, problem with fallopian tubes or uterus and some other undiagnosed reason will be possible.

    Infertility treatment at Max Healthcare is precise and success oriented. Our state-of-the-art facility and highly experienced doctors provide exceptional treatment options for various infertility conditions.

    Conditions and Treatments

    1. Assisted Reproduction Techniques

    Shortened as ART, these techniques use artificial means to achieve pregnancy in a lab. The major methods are Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF), and Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI).

    1. Natural Cycle IVF

    Natural cycle IVF involves collecting and fertilising the one egg that you release during your normal monthly cycle. The treatment is same as conventional IVF, but no fertility drugs are used in this treatment.

    1. Assisted Hatching

    In this fertility treatment, an embryologist uses micromanipulation under a microscope to create a small hole in the outer eggshell layer. It is done to hatch or implant embryos that are unable to escape healthily (intact) from the eggs’ outer covering.

    1. Male Fertility treatment- ICSI

    Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) is a specialized form for the fertility treatment in males. ICSI is done in order to enhance the fertilization process in IVF by injecting single sperm into mature egg, that is, this procedure only needs single sperm which is directly injected into a mature egg and the fertilized egg is further transferred into the womb.

    1. Recurrent IVF Failure

    Today, IVF and ICSI are successful treatment options available for infertile couples. But inspite of a number of transfers with apparently good embryos some cycles don’t end in a successful implantation. We offer various tests aimed to identify the cause of repeated implantation failure and we have a specialization in treating the Recurrent IVF failure with highest success rate.

    1. Blastocyst Transfer

    A blastocyst transfer is done after an IVF or ICSI is performed. A blastocyst is a human embryo that is five, six or seven days old. This embryo is transferred into the womb as it has better chances of leading to pregnancy.

    1. Surgical Sperm Retrieval

    In cases where the sperm is absent in ejaculation, Surgical Sperm Retrieval is used to obtain sperm using MESA (Micro-Surgical Epididymal Sperm Aspiration), PESA (Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration), TESA (Testicular Sperm Aspiration), and TESE (Testicular Sperm Extraction).

    1. Fertility Preservation

    Fertility preservation is the process of saving or protecting eggs or embryos and sperm, so that a person can use them to have biological children in the future. We specialise in providing fertility care for patients who have cancer or where their fertility is at risk. For the ladies who want to establish their career and want to have delayed marriage they can preserve their eggs so that they can use them in future to have children.

    1. Third Party Reproduction

    Third party reproduction states donor-assisted reproduction in which gestation is provided by third party or donor. This works for both men and women. We provide the surrogates, embryo donors, sperm donor and egg donors to the couple who have failed to conceive through their eggs or sperms.

    Today, Infertility treatment cost is competitive, and at Max Healthcare, we strive in providing the best infertility treatment in India.

    Dr. Suman Lal

    Dr. Suman Lal

    Specialist:     Gynaecologist and Obstetrician
    Experience:  20+ years of experience
    Hospital:       Max Hospital Saket

    About Doctor:

    • Dr. Suman Lal is an obstetrician and gynecologist with 20+ years of experience. 
    • Dr. Suman Lal is a Gold medalist in Gynecology; recipient of Prizes for Academic Papers nationally and internationally and has been invited by reputed national TV channels on Women Health Issues.
    • Dr. Suman Lal has experience in Advanced Gynae Endoscopic Surgeries, high risk pregnancy and critical care, Infertility & Fertility Enhancing Surgeries, Adolescent Gynaecology and PCOS.

    Dr. Usha M Kumar

    Dr. Usha M Kumar

    Speciality:      Obstetrician / Gynecologist
    Experience:   30+ years of experience
    Hospital:        Max Hospital Saket

    About Doctor:

    • Usha M Kumar is the Director Progeny and an expert laparoscopic gynae surgeon at Max Super-specialty hospitals in Delhi.
    • She is super specialized in endoscopic procedures for infertility and for cancer patients .
    • She has gained vast 30 years of experience, presently working as a Principal Consultant and Gynaecological Endoscopic Surgeon.

    Dr. Surveen Ghumman Sindhu

    Dr. Surveen Ghumman Sindhu

    Specialist:     Infertility Specialist
    Experience:  32+ years of experience
    Hospital:       Max Hospital Saket

    About Doctor:

    • Currently associated as Director and Head – IVF, Max Super Speciality Hospital, Saket             
    • Interests are Infertility Treatment, Egg Donor, Gestational Surrogacy, Donor Egg, IVF Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Ovulation induction and follicular monitoring Advanced Semenalysis, Hormonal tests, In Vitro Fertilization (Test Tube Baby) Caesarean Section/ C-Section Vaginal Hysterectomy Laparoscopic Surgery Oophorectomy / Ovariectomy / Ovarian Ablation Endoscopy Pre-Marital Counselling and Natural Cycle IVF
    • Published over 100 journals and books

    Dr. Bhavna Banga

    Dr. Bhavna Banga

    Specialist:    IVF Specialist
    Experience: 10+ years of experience
    Hospital:      Max Hospital Saket

    About Doctor:

    • Dr. Bhavna Banga is an internationally trained dedicated fertility & IVF expert with experience of over 10 years in Reproductive Medicine & IVF.
    • Her practice is channelled by extensive training in India and at renowned fertility units overseas.
    • Dr. Bhavna Banga blends the best practices from East and West to optimise reproductive outcomes.


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      Max Hospital Saket3

      Max Hospital Saket Delhi

      Number of beds:   500
      ICU Beds:                 267
      Airport Distance: 13 KM

      About Hospital:

      • Max Super Speciality Hospital at Saket is one of the topmost healthcare service
      • Providers in India. The multi-super speciality hospital has a capacity of over 500 beds, 250 functional beds. It is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, advanced technologies.
      • With the help of over 300 leading specialist Doctors, strong nursing staff, and state-of-the-art innovative medical tools.

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