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Indraprastha Apollo Hospital New Delhi

No. of beds: 900
ICU Beds:     262
Airport:  20kms

Brief About Hospital:

  • Indraprastha Apollo Hospital is a flagship hospital of India’s foremost healthcare groups,the Apollo Group. It is a highly renowned multi-speciality facility that offers tertiary and quaternary care services to domestic and international patients.
  • The 900 bedded hospital is outfitted with the most modern technology for diagnostics as well as therapeutic purposes.
  • A team of highly trained medical professionals work under all the 52 specialities at the hospital.

Areas of Excellence:

Location & Address:

  • Mathura Rd, Jasola Vihar, New Delhi, Delhi 110076
  • Airport: 20 km, 45 minutes drive from Indira Gandhi International Airport.
  • Metro station: 50 meters,  1 minute.
  • Located close to many hotels and guest houses.

Doctors By Department

brainNeurologist in Apollo
nephologyNephrologist in Apollo
nephologyUrologist in Apollo
liverLiver Surgeon in Apollo
cancerOncologist in Apollo
SpineSpine Surgeon in Apollo
CardiacCardiologist in Apollo
EntENT Doctor in Apollo
BMTBMT Doctor in Apollo
dentalDentist in Apollo
OrthopedicOrthopedic Surgeon in Apollo
cosmaticCosmetic Surgeon in Apollo
eyeEye Specialist in Apollo
gynecologyGynecologist in Apollo
lungsPulmonologist in Apollo
gastroentrologyGastroenterologist in Apollo
endrocrinologyEndocrinology in Apollo
DaramatologyDermatologist in Apollo
GeneralGeneral Surgeon in Apollo

Get Opinion From Doctor

    Top Doctors

    Dr. Vivek Tandon
    Dr. Yash Gulati
    Dr. K. K. Saxena
    Dr. Yogesh Batra
    Dr. Gaurav Kharya
    Dr. Anoop K. Ganjoo
    Dr. Dipanjan Panda
    Dr. Bhaba Nanda Das
    Dr. Ashutosh Marwah
    Dr. D. M. Mahajan
    Dr. S M Shuaib Zaidi
    Dr Sudheer Kumar Tyagi
    Dr. Anshuman Agarwal
    Dr. S K Sogani
    Dr. (Prof) Raju Vaishya
    Dr. (Prof) Ameet Kishore
    Dr. Sameer Kaul
    Dr. Veena Kalra
    Dr. Rajagopalan Krishnan
    Dr. Ravi Bhatia
    Dr. Indrapati Singh
    Dr. Feroz Pasha
    Dr. Rohini Handa
    Dr. Shakti Bhan Khanna
    Dr. Sudhir Tyagi
    Dr. Ramesh Sarin
    Dr. Shefali Agrawal
    Dr. Vikram Pratap Singh
    Dr. Manish Singhal
    Dr. Sidharth Sahni
    Dr. Sandeep Guleria
    Dr. Rajesh Taneja
    Dr. Kalpana Nagpal
    Dr. Sabir Hussain Ansari
    Dr. Ruquaya Ahmad Mir
    Dr. Neerav Goyal
    Dr. R.K Seth
    Dr. N Sastri
    Dr. Harmeet Malhotra
    Dr. Aniel Malhotra
    Dr. C. M. Batra
    Dr. Chander Shekhar
    Dr. Rakesh Mahajan
    Dr. Amit Mittal
    Dr. Mahesh Chandra Garg
    Dr. Madhu Roy
    Dr. Deepak Govil
    Dr. M.S. Kanwar
    Dr. K K Pandey
    Dr. Ravi Joshi
    Dr. Sujit Chaudhary
    Dr. I. P. S. Kochar
    Dr. Anupam Sibal
    Dr. Amitabha Dutta
    Dr. Narasimhan Subramanian
    Dr. Akhil Mishra
    Dr. Ranjana Mithal
    Dr. Anoop Kohli
    Dr. Neeraj Verma
    Dr. Sanjay Sikka
    Dr. B M L Kapoor
    Dr. Aakanksha Chawla
    Dr. Shahin Nooreyezdan
    Dr. Adosh Lall
    Dr. Neel Shah
    Dr. Ganesh K Jadhav
    Dr. Suresh Kumar Rawat
    Dr. Nikhil Jain
    Dr. Amit Kumar Agarwal
    Dr. Mukesh Goel
    Dr. Vineet Bhushan Gupta
    Dr. Saket Goel
    Dr. Pranav Kumar
    Dr. Vipin Arora
    Dr. Amita Mahajan
    Dr. Sogani Shani Kumar
    Dr. Rajeev Kumar Rajput
    Dr. Vibhu Bahl
    Dr. D. K. Agarwal
    Dr. Nikhil Modi
    Dr. Mukul Varma
    Dr. Sohani Verma
    Dr. Havind Tandon
    Dr. Aloy J. Mukherjee
    Dr. Patha Prateem Choudhary
    Dr. Sandeep Kumar Upadhyaya
    Dr. Ashish Kakkar
    Dr. Rajendra Prasad
    Dr. Yatinder Kharbanda
    Dr. Ramani Narasimhan
    Dr. Prashanta Kumar Ghosh
    Dr. Asim Siddiqui
    Dr. Sushma Prasad Sinha
    Dr. Arun Prasad
    Dr. Har Prakash Garg
    Dr. Muthu Jothi
    Dr. Rakesh Agarwal

    brainNeurologist in Apollo
    nephologyNephrologist in Apollo
    nephologyUrologist in Apollo
    liverLiver Surgeon in Apollo
    cancerOncologist in Apollo
    SpineSpine Surgeon in Apollo
    CardiacCardiologist in Apollo
    EntENT Doctor in Apollo
    BMTBMT Doctor in Apollo
    dentalDentist in Apollo
    OrthopedicOrthopedic Surgeon in Apollo
    cosmaticCosmetic Surgeon in Apollo
    eyeEye Specialist in Apollo
    gynecologyGynecologist in Apollo
    lungsPulmonologist in Apollo
    gastroentrologyGastroenterologist in Apollo
    endrocrinologyEndocrinology in Apollo
    DaramatologyDermatologist in Apollo
    GeneralGeneral Surgeon in Apollo

    Get Opinion From Doctor

      Top Doctors

      Dr. Vivek Tandon
      Dr. Yash Gulati
      Dr. K. K. Saxena
      Dr. Yogesh Batra
      Dr. Gaurav Kharya
      Dr. Anoop K. Ganjoo
      Dr. Dipanjan Panda
      Dr. Bhaba N. Das
      Dr. A. Marwah
      Dr. D. M. Mahajan
      Dr. S M Shuaib Zaidi
      Dr Sudheer Tyagi
      Dr. A. Agarwal
      Dr. S K Sogani
      Dr. Raju Vaishya
      Dr. Ameet Kishore
      Dr. Sameer Kaul
      Dr. Veena Kalra
      Dr. R. Krishnan
      Dr. Ravi Bhatia
      Dr. Indrapati Singh
      Dr. Feroz Pasha
      Dr. Rohini Handa
      Dr. Shakti B. Khanna
      Dr. Sudhir Tyagi
      Dr. Ramesh Sarin
      Dr. Shefali Agrawal
      Dr. Vikram P. Singh
      Dr. Manish Singhal
      Dr. Sidharth Sahni
      Dr. Sandeep Guleria
      Dr. Rajesh Taneja
      Dr. Kalpana Nagpal
      Dr. Sabir H. Ansari
      Dr. Ruquaya Mir
      Dr. Neerav Goyal
      Dr. R.K Seth
      Dr. N Sastri
      Dr. H. Malhotra
      Dr. Aniel Malhotra
      Dr. C. M. Batra
      Dr. Chander Shekhar
      Dr. Rakesh Mahajan
      Dr. Amit Mittal
      Dr. Mahesh Garg
      Dr. Madhu Roy
      Dr. Deepak Govil
      Dr. K K Pandey
      Dr. Ravi Joshi
      Dr. Sujit Chaudhary
      Dr. I. P. S. Kochar
      Dr. Anupam Sibal
      Dr. Amitabha Dutta
      Dr. N. Subramanian
      Dr. Akhil Mishra
      Dr. Ranjana Mithal
      Dr. Anoop Kohli
      Dr. Neeraj Verma
      Dr. Sanjay Sikka
      Dr. B M L Kapoor
      Dr. A. Chawla
      Dr. S. Nooreyezdan
      Dr. Adosh Lall
      Dr. Neel Shah
      Dr. Ganesh Jadhav
      Dr. Suresh  Rawat
      Dr. Nikhil Jain
      Dr. Amit  Agarwal
      Dr. Mukesh Goel
      Dr. Vineet B. Gupta
      Dr. Saket Goel
      Dr. M.S. Kanwar
      Dr. Pranav Kumar
      Dr. Vipin Arora
      Dr. Amita Mahajan
      Dr. Sogani S. Kumar
      Dr. Rajeev Rajput
      Dr. Vibhu Bahl
      Dr. D. K. Agarwal
      Dr. Nikhil Modi
      Dr. Mukul Varma
      Dr. Sohani Verma
      Dr. Havind Tandon
      Dr. Aloy Mukherjee
      Dr. Patha Choudhary
      Dr. S. Upadhyaya
      Dr. Ashish Kakkar
      Dr. Rajendra Prasad
      Dr. Y. Kharbanda
      Dr. R. Narasimhan
      Dr. Prashanta Ghosh
      Dr. Asim Siddiqui
      Dr. Sushma P. Sinha
      Dr. Arun Prasad
      Dr. Har P. Garg
      Dr. Muthu Jothi
      Dr. Rakesh Agarwal

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