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Best Internal Medicine In Fortis Hospital Gurgaon

The Internal Medicine Department offers comprehensive primary care services in an outpatient setting along with providing complete care to hospitalized patients suffering from a broad range of ailments. The department is well equipped with the latest technologies to manage acute and chronic health conditions such as diabetes and coronary disease, acute illness like respiratory tract infections and joint pains. Our expert healthcare team is comprised of Board-Certified physicians of internal medicine, geriatrics and pediatrics, nurses, medical assistants, and skilled support staff. The Department of Internal medicine doctors focus on delivering multidisciplinary care to patients of all ages. The team also provides health education and expert counseling to the patients and their attendants in order to facilitate speedy recovery. The team works in collaboration with the other specialty divisions for a complete evaluation of the patient’s condition and perform complex procedures. The Internal medicine doctors are skilled in providing personalized and effective care to all the patients along with follow-up visits to ensure complete recovery.

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