Dr. Ravi Suman Reddy
Neurosurgeon, Hyderabad, India
10+ years of experience
Yashoda Hospitals, Hyderabad
Brief About Doctor:
- Currently associated as Consultant with Institute of Neurosciences & Rehabilitation at continental Hospitals, Hyderabad
- Performed more than 8000 complex surgeries of tumors, vascular malformations, aneurysms, spinal fixations and endoscopic brain and spinal surgeries
- Expertise in Frameless Stereotactic Radiosurgery of Brain and Spine, Minimal Invasive Spine Surgery, Spine Stabilization, Cranial Micro Neurosurgery, Cranio Spinal Trauma and Endoscopic Neurosurgery
Dr. Rahul Lath
Neurosurgeon, Hyderabad, India
23+ years of experience
Apollo Hospitals, Jubilee Hills Hyderabad
Brief About Doctor:
- Dr. Rahul Lath is currently working as a Neurosurgeon in Apollo Hospitals in Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad.
- Dr. Rahul Lath is a renowned Neurosurgeon practicing successfully for more than 23 years.
- He holds expertise in Chest Pain Treatment, Deep Brain Stimulation, Gamma-Knife Radiosurgery, Brain infection, and Laminectomy.
Get Opinion From Doctor
Neurology Treatment
Brachial Plexus Injuries
Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt
Brain Aneurysm Repair
Brain Tumor Surgery
Lumbar-peritoneal (Lumboperitoneal, LP) shunt surgery
Brain Cancer Treatment
Brain Surgery
Minimally Invasive Brain Surgery
Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery (DBS)
Brain Hemorrhage Treatment
Brain AVM Treatment
Pediatric Brain Tumor Surgery
Brain Cysts Treatment
Keyhole Surgery For Brain Tumors
Blood Clot Brain Surgery
Brain Avm Embolization With Onyx Treatment
Deep Brain Stimulation Non Rechargeable Treatment
Pediatric Brain Surgery
Best Neuro Surgeons
Best Neuro Hospitals
Complete resolution for our patients across border seeking medical treatment in India
chieftourism has excellent team that provides 24*7 consulting service in the simplest way.
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