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Wavefront Laser Eye Surgery in India

Wavefront LASIK is sometimes called custom LASIK. It is a newer approach to LASIK, a procedure that uses guided lasers to reshape the cornea and improve the visual acuity.
The right doctor to consult for a Wavefront Laser Eye Surgery is an Ophthalmologist.
The success rate varies between 72-92%.
Custom LASIK involves measuring the eye from front to back with a special laser, using what’s called wavefront technology, to create a three-dimensional (3-D) image of the eye. The information contained in the wavefront-map guides the laser in customizing the treatment to the individual visual system.

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    Dr. Suraj Munjal

    Eye Surgeons

    Dr. Aashish K. Bansal

    Eye Surgeon

    Dr. Kamal B Kapur

    Eye Surgeon

    Dr. Sanjay Chaudhary

    Eye Surgeon

    The Sight

    New Delhi

    Centre for Sight


    Sharp Sight Centre

    New Delhi

    Eye7 Center

    New Delhi

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