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Trauma Care In MIOT International Chennai

MIOT International is a Level-1 trauma centre, providing the highest level of round-the-clock surgical care to patients. On average, the hospital performs over 4500 trauma surgeries a year.

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    Trauma care at global standards

    In the treatment of accident patients, the Department follows the modern guidelines of osteo-synthesis and use the most current technology and techniques. Our patients also benefit from a planned postoperative rehabilitation programme, that is in line with the best European rehabilitation concepts, for early recovery. Our trauma treatment team keeps up with current techniques and standards through collaboration with other Level 1 trauma centres abroad. MIOT also offers care to victims of fire, electrical and chemical burns.

    The MIOT trauma team is comprised of trained paramedics, doctors and nurses, who work together to contain the extent of damage and give severely injured patients the specialised care they require. The department works closely with surgeons from neurosurgery, maxillofacial, and reconstructive and plastic surgery, physical and occupational therapists, counsellors and nutritionists to offer patients early, total care.

    Commonly-handled traumas

    Among the more commonly handled traumas are closed-and open-long bone fractures, articular fractures, pelvic-acetabular fractures, multiple injured and poly-trauma patients with multi-system injuries. MIOT also has extensive experience in dealing with neglected injuries such as:

    • Mal-union / non-union / infection
    • Limb-deformity correction
    • Management of bone defects
    • Limb-length discrepancy
    • Metabolic bone disorders
    • Congenital deformity
    • Bone infections (osteomyelitis)

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