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Rheumatology In Jaslok Hospital Mumbai

Department of Rheumatology at Jaslok Hospital & Research Centre

In the year 1985, rheumatology began at Jaslok Hospital & Research Centre. Together with lab medicine, physical therapy, orthopaedic surgery, and other medical disciplines like neurology, gynaecology, dermatology, ophthalmology, and radiology/imaging, it gained momentum quickly. Every hospital medical facility and our rheumatology department work closely together, utilising and enhancing the services provided by the organisation.

A patient with ankylosing spondylitis was given the first biotech medication, infliximab, and we mobilised him in just two days. These biologicals are cautiously given to arthritic patients with positive outcomes. Through the use of appropriate medications, we provide cutting-edge facilities with a blend of medical technology and humanitarian touch to reduce joint pain, and backache, avoid deformities and shorten treatment times. The top rheumatologist in Mumbai, India, provides care for our patients

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