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Reproductive Medicine In Dr. Rela Institute and Medical Centre

The arrival of an offspring in to our lives is a moment of excitement, immense joy and an event to cherish forever, yet it is remaining as a distant dream for millions of couples of across the globe.

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    Infertility or inability to procreate, is unfortunately a major issue that is being confronted by millions of couples across the globe. Reproductive system is quite a complex structure in the human body, where physical, mental, hormonal, emotional factors should align for the reproductive health to be fully functional.

    According to the data released by the Indian Society of Assisted Reproduction in 2018, there is a steep increase in the number of couples battling infertility issues in the last two decades and is currently at an average of 10 to 14 per cent. It means 27.5 million couples in India are either unable to conceive, stay pregnant and have a child. The number at global level is even more alarming as only one in four couples can translate their dreams into a reality. (Source: WHO). So you are not alone!

    It is disheartening to note that reproductive and infertility related health conditions can wreck happy marriages, drive families into distress, owing mostly to the lack of understanding about the treatment procedures and failing to meet the right experts.

    When it comes to reproductive health, infertility medicine, Assisted Reproductive Technology, we at The Institute of Reproductive Medicine – which is a joint initiative between Dr Rela Institute & Medical Centre and GBR Fertility Centre & Hospitals, are like harbingers of hope.

    Contrary to the popular belief that infertility issues are gender-specific, our expert doctors, technical and non-technical staff assist, guide, counsel and chart out the treatment plan for the intended parents, only after conducting a detailed study into their medical history, analyzing physiological reasons and various other factors of both the husband and wife that could be hindering reproduction.

    The reproductive medicine and infertility experts at Dr Rela Institute & Medical Centre, treat couples from various places in India and abroad. Since, the treatment procedure could be time-consuming for few patients, especially those visiting us from abroad the International Medical Facility extends all the required support, shoulders various responsibilities related to stay, food, regular and timely appointments, interactions with the doctors, lab tests, scans or other diagnostic and treatment procedures, to make it a hassle-free experience.

    Being deeply empathetic to each couple and putting a smile on countless number of families, is what gives us immense satisfaction, day after day.

    Experienced Clinicians

    World class infertility specialists and experts in Assisted Reproductive Technology are our major strength. Having dealt with thousands of cases, our doctors guide patients through the required diagnostic and treatment procedures, by extending support and care. Maternal-fetal medicine, genetic studies specialists, hematologistsneonatologistspediatriciansdiabetologistsdieticians, ensure holistic care to both mother and newborn, right from the onset of treatment till end.

    Besides empathy, ethics and morals are of paramount importance while assisting patients from various countries and cultures.

    Personalized Care

    Couples encountering infertility issues need special attention, to sail through the entire treatment procedure. The anxiety faced by the parents-to-be is quite palpable and we persistently work towards instilling positivity, encouragement, confidence during pre and post treatments till their hopes turns into reality. We believe that individual care, regular interactions make a whole lot of difference for the intending parents.

    State of the art ART Lab

    At RIMC we have one of the finest ART labs in the country, equipped with most modern, state of art equipment’s housed in a clean environment as defined by ICMR, ESHRE & ASRM standards. These coupled with outstanding technicians who are well-trained in embryology specific and its related education, hands-on training to ensure timely assistance that would align with the treatment procedure, for increased success rate in each cycle.

    Patient Confidentiality

    At every process of the treatment, upholding Patient Confidentiality is of prime importance to us. The whole environment in the department and the hospital is created in such way that the couple seeking treatment are at ease throughout the treatment period.

    Advanced Fertility Care

    Some of most advanced fertility care include: –

    1. Uterine Transplants Uterine Transplantation is a highly advanced procedure and a ray of hope for the women born without a uterus or with a diseased uterus. A major surgical procedure, a healthy uterus gets transplanted into the pelvic region of the patient. This revolutionary transplant procedure is becoming quite popular in the recent years, with more and more women opting for it, with a hope to deliver their own child and experiencing the joy of motherhood.
    2. Fertility Preservation – Every sample placed under cryopreservation are constantly monitored based on Radio-Frequency Identification Tags (RFID) and Cryogate software
    3. Pre-Genetic Screening (PGS) & Pre-Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)
    4. Stem Cell Therapy

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