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Pulmonary Medicine In Dr. Rela Institute and Medical Centre

At Rela Department of Pulmonary Medicine, we provide world-class patient care by combining our strengths in clinical care, research and education. With a sizeable number of experienced pulmonologists, who are the best pulmonologist doctors in Chennai, allergists/immunologists, infectious disease experts and critical care specialists, the Department of Pulmonary Medicine staff diagnose and treat a wide spectrum of disorders in our outpatient offices, inpatient hospital floors, and intensive care units.

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    Our expertise in pulmonary and critical care medicine continues the department’s tradition of delivering exceptional patient care by using innovative techniques, cutting-edge diagnostic tools and minimally invasive procedures. This has enabled our pulmonologists to establish a reputation for excellence and life-saving care that helps each of our patients breathe a little easier, making us the best chest hospital in Chennai.

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