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Paediatric In Jaypee Hospital Noida Delhi India

We have an 8 bedded world class Paediatric Intensive Care Unit. The outcomes of this unit is comparable to any International standards. It has all the facilities to manage any sick children with the support of various subspecialities. It is headed by Internationally trained Paediatric Intensivist, who is supported by well trained team of doctors and nurses.

PICU is manned by trained doctors and nurses who are present 24 hrs a day.

In PICU, we look after children from 1 month till the age of 16 yrs. We look after children with varied and different needs like respiratory, cardiovascular, trauma, sepsis, neurological emergencies, postoperative care etc.

Those children who need close monitoring for various reasons and can’t be cared for in the ward are also admitted in PICU. We provide both invasive ventilation through a ventilator and non invasive ventilation through face mask or nasal cannula.

In PICU, we also provide multiple procedures like bone marrow aspiration, Lumbar puncture, biopsies, bronchoscopy and endoscopy.

We also provide sedation for day care procedures like MRI, EEG, CT scan, Invasive chemotherapy etc.

Following patients are taken care of in PICU.

  • Management of any sick children
  • Ventilated patients
  • Severe Dengue
  • Dengue Shock syndrome
  • Severe Sepsis
  • Septic Shock
  • Management of post-operative neurological and any surgical patient
  • Management of severe traumatic patient as part of multidisciplinary care
  • Severe Asthma
  • Meningitis
  • Pneumonia with breathing difficulty
  • Babies with wheeze and breathing difficulty
  • For observation after a procedure
  • Epilepsy and seizures
  • Heart conditions

Get Opinion From India’s Best Doctors

    We offers these Services

    • Providing a doctor’s opinion and proper quotation
    • Selecting the best hospital and doctor as per your case
    • Arranging a call with the doctor (if the case required)
    • Visa assistance, Providing Visa Invitation Letter (VIL)
    • Providing full guidance how to get Visa from your country
    • Providing total cost including treatment, air tickets, accommodation, and food
    • Assitance to book flight ticket from your country
    • Arranging airport pick up/ drop
    • Providing professional language interpreter
    • Booking accommodation and guest house as per your budget/ prefrence
    • Providing help in money exchanging
    • Providing local sim card
    • Arranging video consultation with specialist doctor if case requires
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