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Ophthalmology In Jaslok Hospital Mumbai

Department of Ophthalmology at Jaslok Hospital & Research Centre

The Department of Ophthalmology at Jaslok Hospital & Research Centre is dedicated to providing high-quality eye care to patients of all ages. It consists of a team of highly experienced and skilled ophthalmologists, optometrists, and technicians trained in the latest diagnostic and treatment techniques, ensuring that patients receive the most advanced care available.

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    The department offers a full range of services, including phacoemulsification cataract surgery, advanced medical and surgical treatment of Vitreoretinal diseases, Keratoplasty and other advanced corneal surgeries, standard and complicated glaucoma surgery, and strabismus (squint) workup and surgical management. Common oculoplastic procedures and complex orbital surgeries are performed jointly with various in-house teams as per the need of the hour.

    As per the policy of Jaslok Hospital & Research Centre, patients from lower social strata are also treated with utmost care. Their advanced care is supported by our institute and other charitable individuals and organisations.

    The department routinely performs several tests, including refraction, slit-lamp examination, Pachymetry, intraocular pressure with Goldmann and air-puff tonometry, retinal exam (with direct, indirect and 90D ophthalmoscopy), fundus camera and optical coherence tomography (OCT), IRIDEX IQ 577 and ZEISS VISULAS YAG lasers, detailed squint facilities with diplopia charting, advanced IOL Master and A-scan for intraocular lens measurements and Humphrey visual field test.

    The staff members, residents and highly skilled consultants at the department are not only welcoming but also attentive and courteous to make your eye exam a comfortable experience.

    The department is also committed to staying at the forefront of technological advancements in the field of ophthalmology. It regularly participates in various research projects. Several presentations have been conducted by the department in national and international meetings and many articles have been published as well.

    Dr. Chinamaya Sahu

    Dr. Chinamaya Sahu

    Specialist:        Ophthalmologist
    Experience:     11+ years of experience
    Hospital:           Jaslok Hospital, Mumbai

    Brief About Doctor:

    • Dr. Chinamaya Sahu One of the renowned ophthalmologists with the experience of 11+ years
    • Dr. Chinamaya Sahu Combines the best of the two premier institutes and is the first Vitreo Retinal Surgeon to have such a training
    • Dr. Chinamaya Sahu Expertise in the management of complicated Retinal cases like Vitreous hemorrhage, Retinal detachments

    Dr. Hemalini Samant

    Dr. Hemalini Samant

    Specialist:        Ophthalmologist
    Experience:     10+ years of experience
    Hospital:           Jaslok Hospital, Mumbai

    Brief About Doctor:

    • Dr. Hemalini Samant Renowned Pediatric Ophthalmologist and a Neuro Ophthalmologist of national repute with an experience of 10+ years
    • Dr. Hemalini Samant Attained her fellowship in Pediatric and Neuro ophthalmology from Sankara Nethralaya IN 1999
    • Dr. Hemalini Samant Performs almost seven squint surgeries in a week

    Dr. Atul Ursekar

    Dr. Atul Ursekar

    Specialist:        Ophthalmologist
    Experience:     15+ years of experience
    Hospital:           Jaslok Hospital, Mumbai

    Brief About Doctor:

    • Dr. Atul Ursekar An experienced ophthalmologist and carries an experience of 15+ years.
    • Dr. Atul Ursekar Expertise in Phacoemulsification Cataract Surgery with Monofocal and Multifocal lenses, Lasers for Medical Retina (Diabetes and other retinal conditions), Vitreoretinal Surgery (basic & complex cases) & Refractive Laser Surgery
    • Dr. Atul Ursekar Interests are Age Related Macular Degeneration, Cataract, Conjunctivitis, Diabetic Retinopathy, Endopthalmitis, Glaucoma, Stye & Uveitis

    Dr. Chinamaya Sahu Dr. Chinamaya Sahu
    Specialist: Ophthalmologist
    Experience:11+ years
    Hospital: Jaslok Hospital
    Dr. Hemalini Samant Dr. Hemalini Samant
    Specialist: Ophthalmologist
    Experience:10+ years
    Hospital: Jaslok Hospital
    Dr. Atul Ursekar Dr. Atul Ursekar
    Specialist: Ophthalmologist
    Experience:15+ years
    Hospital: Jaslok Hospital

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