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Oncologist In Max Super Specialty Hospital Gurgaon

Dr. Rohit Nayyar

Dr. Rohit Nayyar

Specialist:    Surgical Oncologist
Experience:18+ years of experience
Hospital:      Max Hospital Gurgaon

About Doctor:

  • Dr. Rohit Nayyar is a surgical oncologist with 18+ years of experience.
  • He completed his training in Head and Neck Oncology from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre, New York, USA; Sentinel Node Biopsies from Institute Gustave Roussy, Paris, France and Breast and Oncoplastic surgery from Royal College of Surgeons of England, London, UK.
  • He is a member of Association of Gynecologic Oncologists of India – AGOI, Indian Association of Surgical Oncology (IASO) and Indian Medical Association (IMA).

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