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Nephrologist In Jaslok Hospital Mumbai

Dr. Arun Halankar

Dr. Arun Halankar

Specialist:         Nephrologist
Experience:     46+ years of experience
Hospital:         Jaslok Hospital, Mumbai

Brief About Doctor:

  • One of the renowned Nephrologists and carries an experience of nearly 46+years in his field.
  • Holds extensive experience in Renal Transplantation.
  • Holds experience of hemodialysis in Acute Renal Failure experience in 887 Cases & experience of 1200 cases of Kidney Transplantation.

Dr. M.M Bahadur

Dr. M.M Bahadur

Specialist:         Nephrologist
Experience:     35+ years of experience
Hospital:           Jaslok Hospital, Mumbai

Brief About Doctor:

  • Dr. M.M Bahadur is a renowned Nephrologist with experience of more than 35 years.
  • Dr. M.M Bahadur has expertise in the treatment of advanced or chronic kidney disease, glomerular conditions, such as glomerulonephritis and nephrotic syndrome tubulointerstitial kidney diseases, tubular defects, kidney vascular conditions, such as renal artery stenosis, kidney infections, and kidney neoplasms, or abnormal growths.

Dr. Sudhirranjan Dash

Dr. Sudhirranjan Dash

Specialist:          Nephrologist
Experience:      21+ years of experience
Hospital:           Jaslok Hospital, Mumbai

Brief About Doctor:

  • Dr. Sudhirranjan Dash is a renowned Nephrologist with experience of more than 21+ years.
  • Dr. Sudhirranjan Dash has expertise lies in Highly sensitized kidney transplantation Acid, Base and Electrolyte Disorders, Identification of causes for recurrent stone formers, Nephrolithiasis, and their prevention and management
  • Dr. Sudhirranjan Dash has done a fellowship on adult nephrology and renal transplantation from Toronto, Canada.

Dr. Rushi Deshpande

Dr. Rushi Deshpande

Specialist:         Nephrologist
Experience:     16+ years of experience
Hospital:           Jaslok Hospital, Mumbai

Brief About Doctor:

  • Dr. Rushi Deshpande is a renowned Nephrologist with experience of nearly 16+ years.
  • Dr. Rushi Deshpande has a specialization in Kidney Disease Treatment, Kidney Transplant, and Sigmoidoscopy.
  • Dr. Rushi Deshpande has experience in the treatment of Hemodialysis, Peritoneal dialysis, Kidney transplantation, and Resistant or difficult to treat Hypertension.

Dr. Amjadkhan Pathan

Dr. Amjadkhan Pathan

Specialist:         Nephrologist
Experience:     10+ years of experience
Hospital:           Jaslok Hospital, Mumbai

Brief About Doctor:

  • Dr. Amjadkhan Pathan A trained Nephrologist with an experience of 10+ years in his field
  • Dr. Amjadkhan Pathan Expertise in study of chest disorders with respect to their clinical and radiological correlation and post renal transplant erythrocytosis
  • Dr. Amjadkhan Pathan Member of various renowned national & international associations
Dr. Arun Halankar Dr. Arun Halankar
Specialist: Nephrologist
Experience: 46+ years
Hospital:Jaslok Hospital
Dr. M.M Bahadur Dr. M.M Bahadur
Specialist: Nephrologist
Experience: 35+ years
Hospital: Jaslok Hospital
Dr. Sudhirranjan Dash Dr. Sudhirranjan Dash
Specialist: Nephrologist
Experience: 21+ years
Hospital: Jaslok Hospital
Dr. Rushi Deshpande Dr. Rushi Deshpande
Specialist: Nephrologist
Experience:16+ years
Hospital: Jaslok Hospital
Dr. Amjadkhan Pathan Dr. Amjadkhan Pathan
Specialist: Nephrologist
Experience: 10+ years
Hospital: Jaslok Hospital

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