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Liver Transplant Surgeon In Apollo Hospitals Greams Road Chennai

Dr. Murugan N

Dr. Murugan N

Specialist:        Liver Transplant Surgeon
Experience:     20+ years of experience
Hospital:           Apollo Hospitals, Greams Road, Chennai

Brief About Doctor:

  • Currently associated as consultant with department of Hepatology at Apollo Hospital, Chennai
  • One of the leading Hepatologist and Liver Transplant Physician based in Chennai
  • Holds 14 years of experience in endoscopic procedures

Dr. Anand Khakhar

Dr. Anand Khakhar

Specialist:         Liver Transplant Surgeon
Experience:     23+ years of experience
Hospital:           Apollo Chennai

Brief About Doctor:

  • Dr. Anand Khakhar is a Liver Transplant & Hepatobiliary Surgeon with 23+ years of experience.
  • Dr. Anand Khakhar is a member of various organizations such as the American Society of Transplantation Surgeons, Canadian Society of Transplantation, American College of Surgeons, Association of Southern Urologists of India Tamil-Nadu, etc.
  • His areas of specialization include Liver, Pancreas, Kidney & Multi-Visceral Transplantation (Living Donor & Cadaveric), Hepatobiliary-Pancreatic Surgery Laparoscopic Donor, and Nephrectomy Surgical Gastroenterology.

Dr. Murugan N Dr. Anand Khakhar
Specialist: Liver Surgeon
Experience: 23+ years
Hospital: Apollo Chennai
Dr. Anand Khakhar Dr. Anand Khakhar
Specialist: Liver Surgeon
Experience: 23+ years
Hospital: Apollo Chennai

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