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Lab Medicine (Laboratory) In Aakash Health Care Dwarka

Laboratory Services of Aakash Healthcare & Super speciality Hospital is a state-of-art facility which provides finest equipment’s for comprehensive diagnostic support to their clinical counterparts and to intervene the patient treatment regimen as early as possible. Lab facility is operational 24×7 with emphasis on accuracy, precision, and reproducibility of the medical reports. Each individual section such as Clinical Biochemistry, Clinical Pathology, Haematology, Microbiology, Serology, and Cytopathology is led by a team of experts with specialized training. This team is well supported by excellent technical staff and phlebotomists.

Our qualified and experienced laboratory faculty with its commitment has left no stone unturned to ensure quality laboratory testing with shortest possible turn-around time as a part of patient-centric approach.

Department of laboratory services at Aakash Healthcare & Super speciality Hospital compliments this quality commitment by offering over 192 routine tests under one roof with modern and fully automated bi-directional interfaced instruments. Laboratory has home collection facility from 7.30 AM to 5.30 PM daily with a coverage of 8 km area. We strive on chasing zero-error Lab operation protocol, never compromising on quality control, in turn providing best laboratory services to the patients.

Under the guidance of our Managing Director the lab team works with the motto of single-minded devotion to Total Quality Management & unique knack of strategizing & tackling problems beforehand.

Get Opinion From Doctor

    We offers these Services

    • Providing a doctor’s opinion and proper quotation
    • Selecting the best hospital and doctor as per your case
    • Arranging a call with the doctor (if the case required)
    • Visa assistance, Providing Visa Invitation Letter (VIL)
    • Providing full guidance how to get Visa from your country
    • Providing total cost including treatment, air tickets, accommodation, and food
    • Assitance to book flight ticket from your country
    • Arranging airport pick up/ drop
    • Providing professional language interpreter
    • Booking accommodation and guest house as per your budget/ prefrence
    • Providing help in money exchanging
    • Providing local sim card
    • Arranging video consultation with specialist doctor if case requires
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