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Internal Medicine & Diabetology In Dr. Rela Institute and Medical Centre

Internists at Rela Department of Internal Medicine in Chennai are primary care doctors who are experts in treating patients with common as well as rare diseases. They skilfully diagnose problems and manage severe chronic illnesses in patients who have more than one condition or disease.

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    An internal medicine doctor specializes in whole-body care for adults. At the department, doctors, who are best internal medicine specialist in Chennai focus on the interactions of all your body systems and know how to help you with just about every complaint you may have: from asthma to arthritis, headaches to high blood pressure, and dizziness to diabetes.

    We are your best asset when it comes to living a strong, healthy life. We provide routine preventive care, diagnosis, and treatment for problems from the common to the not-so-common. Our top general physicians in Chennai, including our top lady general physician doctors in Chennai, also teach healthy lifestyles choices, emphasizing wellness rather than illness. With education and assistance on diet, exercise, mental health, and stress reduction, among others—plus the compassionate attention of our doctors every step of the way.

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