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Epilepsy clinic In Jaypee Hospital Noida Delhi India

The Epilepsy clinic is equipped with experienced neuro-specialists, advanced electrophysiology lab and neuro ICUs, digital neuro-imaging and 24-hour emergency services. The clinic essentially provides a multidisciplinary approach to the complex medical and social needs of patients. Epilepsy is diagnosed easily, nowadays, due to the advanced technology of EEG monitoring. Through video EEG, the specialist is able to understand and diagnose the condition of epileptic patient and plan the treatment in an effective manner. A standard measure to meet the psychological needs is undertaken so as to have an amiable atmosphere for an epileptic patient.

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    What is Epilepsy?

    Epilepsy is defined as a chronic disorder that is identified by re-occurrence of seizures. When an electric activity is rushed to a brain, developing a short gap of memory loss is known as a seizure. Epilepsy can arise from other health problems.

    Symptoms and Causes :

    An epilepsy patient might show the following symptoms:

    • Loss of consciousness.
    • Dyscognitive spell.
    • Fainting and fatigue.
    • Blank stares.
    • Muscle spasms.
    • Pinching needle or prickly sensation.
    • Family history of the case.
    • Very low blood sugar or diabetes.
    • Brain stroke or trauma.
    • Prenatal injury.
    • Infectious diseases like AIDS and Meningitis.
    • Developmental disorders like Autism and neurofibromatosis.
    • Essential Treatment: Depending on the epilepsy state of the patient, the doctor follows the relative treatment.
    • Medications: Epilepsy medications also called as anti-seizure or anticonvulsant medications. The medicines affect the brain cells mechanism who transfer information by sending messages. The prescription of medicines by doctor depends on the factors like age, sex, medical history and the number of seizures the patient experiences.
    • Nerve Stimulations: The procedure comprises of placement of a stimulator below the skin of chest or scalp. The stimulators are helpful in interrupting the occurrences of seizures.
    • Surgery: Surgery process removes a part of the brain or the connecting nerves when the condition is worsened. The relative medication is prescribed for right recovery.
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      • Providing a doctor’s opinion and proper quotation
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      • Providing total cost including treatment, air tickets, accommodation, and food
      • Assitance to book flight ticket from your country
      • Arranging airport pick up/ drop
      • Providing professional language interpreter
      • Booking accommodation and guest house as per your budget/ prefrence
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      • Arranging video consultation with specialist doctor if case requires


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