Dr. NITIN S SHETTY is an Ophthalmologist/ Eye Surgeon in Old Airport Road, Bangalore and has an experience of 23+years in this field.
Dr. NITIN S SHETTY practices at Manipal Hospital in Old Airport Road, Bangalore and The Retina Clinic in Indiranagar, Bangalore.
He completed MBBS from B J Medical College, Pune in 1989,MS – Ophthalmology from University of Pune in 1992 and Fellowship in Vitreoretinal Surgery from Sankar Nethralaya, Chennai in 1994.
He is a member of Karnataka Ophthalmic Society and All India Ophthalmological Society.
Some of the services provided by the doctor are: Retina Surgery and Lasik and Vitreoretinal Surgery etc.
Speciality Interest:
Medical Retina including diagnosis, treatment and management of diseases affecting the retina including diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration, retinal vein occlusions, retinal drug toxicity.
Uveitis – has worked as a Uveitis Consultant at Sankara Nethralaya, Chennai and trained in the assessment, diagnosis and management of uveitis cases including anterior, intermediate and posterior uveitis.
Works in close association with the pulmonologist and the rheumatologist for the management of these cases. ROP – Retinopathy of Prematurity.
Includes a retinal examination of neonatal children usually in the neonatal ICU. Trained in screening, laser and surgical treatment of retinopathy of prematurity cases, special interest in Medical Retina Ocular Electrodiagnostics and Hereditary Retinal Diseases.
Fellowship & Membership:
Vitreo-Retina Fellowship – Sankara Nethralaya. Medical Research Foundation, Chennai.
American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO),
American Society of Retina Surgeons (ASRS).
Vitreo Retina Society of India (VRSI).
Uveitis Society of India (USI).
ROP (Retinopathy of Prematurity) Society of India.
All India Ophthalmology Society (AIOS).
Karnataka Ophthalmology Society.
Bangalore Ophthalmology Society
Worked as a Vitreo-Retina and Uveitis Consultant at Sankara Nethralaya, Chennai from 1994 – 2003,
Distinction in Ophthalmology – MBBS,
VT Joshi Award for Best Outgoing Fellow – Sankara Nethralaya, Chennai.
Published books on Fluorescein Angiography (JAYPEE BROTHERS) and contributed to chapters in several publications,
Invited guest speaker at several State, National and International Conferences, Visiting Scholar at the Chinese University of Hong Kong – 1999-2000
MBBS – Byramjee Jeejeebhoy Medical College, Pune.
MS (Ophthalmology) – Sassoon General Hospital And Byramjee Jeejeebhoy Medical College, Pune.
Fellowship In Vitreo Retinal Surgery At Sankara Nethralaya, Medical Retina Foundation, Chennai
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