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Digestive & Liver Diseases Liver Transplant In Sanar International Hospital Delhi India

The Department of Digestive and Liver Diseases, Liver Transplant at Sanar Hospital is a highly specialized unit, dedicated to the effective management of a wide spectrum of diseases and ailments affecting the digestive tract and liver. The department is backed by the finest diagnostic and treatment modalities that help to ensure the highest levels of precision and safety. Every treatment plan is curated by our experts, who have years of experience in the field and are qualified to handle the most complex cases. The liver transplant unit is a hub of excellence, manned by a dedicated team of liver specialists in Gurgaon, who resort to the use of the latest, innovative approaches and adhere to stringent benchmarks of quality.

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    Types of digestive diseases:
    Any condition or ailment that affects the digestive tract is referred to as a digestive disease. Some of the most common digestive diseases include:

    • GERD – Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease is a condition marked by the backup of the acids secreted in the stomach, into the food pipe or oesophagus. The condition is marked by a burning sensation and pain in the middle part of the chest, commonly termed heartburn. It is a chronic disease and may be triggered by a variety of eatables and beverages.
    • Gallstones – These are solid masses that develop in the gallbladder due to the accumulation of wastes and unwanted cholesterol particles. Large gallstones can block the ducts, giving rise to immense pain and discomfort. Smaller stones can be managed with the help of medication, whereas larger ones may call for the need of surgical intervention.
    • Celiac Disease – The condition is often misdiagnosed or may not be diagnosed at all, and is marked by extreme sensitivity to gluten and food items containing the same. This is a type of protein, that is found in food items like wheat and barley. As soon as you eat gluten, the immune system is triggered. It is marked by symptoms like abdominal pain, bloating, constipation and fatigue.
    • Crohn’s disease – It is a type of inflammatory bowel disease that is more likely to involve the terminal ileum, the part of the ileum that links the end of the small intestine to the colon. It is characterised by symptoms like abdominal cramps, rectal bleeds, unintended weight loss and fever.
    • Ulcerative colitis – It is also a type of inflammatory bowel disease in which the immune system of the patients starts attacking the food they eat, giving rise to severe abdominal pain, diarrhoea and rectal bleeds. In extreme cases, the colon of the patient may be removed surgically.
    • Irritable bowel syndrome – It is a very common digestive disease marked by indigestion, and bloating. There are certain trigger foods that can lead to irritation. Patients suffering from the condition need to be very careful with their dietary choices.
    • Hemorrhoids – Marked by traces of blood in the stools, haemorrhoids refer to the inflamed blood vessels that are present in and around the rectum. These can be caused by severe constipation, diarrhoea and eating foods low in fibre.
    • Diverticula – The condition is marked by the formation of tiny pouches, known as diverticula, in the weakened areas of the digestive tract. The patients suffering from the condition may or may not be symptomatic. Those who are not experiencing any of the symptoms are said to have diverticulosis, whereas those experiencing the symptoms are said to have diverticulitis.

    Types of liver disease:
    Liver diseases are conditions or ailments that directly or indirectly involve the liver. The most common of these are:

    • Hepatitis – The condition is marked by serious liver inflammation, triggered by an injury or infection. It is broadly classified as acute hepatitis and chronic hepatitis. The former has asudden onset whereas the latter develops over years. Some of the common types of hepatitis include autoimmune hepatitis, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, hepatitis D and hepatitis E.
    • Alcoholic fatty liver disease – Commonly referred to as hepatic steatosis, the condition is marked by fat buildup in the liver, which is linked to heavy drinking of alcohol. It is a progressive disease that is more likely to affect people who are obese, malnourished, have faulty genes, or have a history of viral hepatitis.
    • Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease – Abbreviated as NAFLD, it is not a single condition, but rather a group of conditions that promote fat accumulation in the liver. Adults suffering from the condition are predominantly asymptomatic, however, small children may complain of slight discomfort and weakness.
    • Autoimmune liver disease – It refers to a condition in which there is a certain abnormality in the patient’s immune system, that compels it to attack the liver. Some common types of autoimmune liver diseases include autoimmune hepatitis, primary biliary cholangitis and primary sclerosing cholangitis.
    • Genetic liver disease – It includes the entire gamut of liver diseases that are passed down from one generation to another. The most common of these are hemochromatosis and Willson’s disease. These are marked by the unhealthy accumulation of iron and copper in the body respectively.
    • Liver cirrhosis – It is a very serious condition marked by excessive scarring of the liver tissue. The condition cannot be reversed and in extreme cases, a transplant may be required. Cirrhosis is usually triggered by excessive alcohol consumption.
    • Liver failure – Liver failure is a condition marked by the loss of normal liver function. It can be the result of any disease or ailment, and may also be caused by a traumatic injury. If left untreated, it can lead to the buildup of toxins in the body, giving rise to life-threatening complications.
    • Liver cancer – The condition is marked by the uncontrollable growth of abnormal cells in the liber, which eventually lead to the formation of a mass known as a tumour. Liver cancer is a progressive disease and can result in complete liver failure if timely treatment is not given.

    What is a liver transplant?
    A liver transplant is a highly specialized procedure in which the damaged or diseased liver of a patient is replaced with a healthy lobe taken from a dead or diseased donor. The live lobe may either be taken from a living donor or a deceased donor, depending upon availability.

    Who needs a liver transplant in Gurgaon?
    A liver transplant may be recommended in the case of acute or chronic liver failure.
    Causes of acute liver failure include:

    • Acetaminophen overdose
    • Viral infections such as hepatitis and herpes
    • Consumption of poisonous substances
    • Autoimmune hepatitis
    • Wilson’s disease
    • Acute fatty liver in pregnancy
    • Sepsis
    • Exposure to industrial toxins

    Causes of chronic liver failure include:

    • Hepatitis B
    • Hepatitis C
    • Excessive alcohol consumption
    • Hemochromatosis
    • Cirrhosis
    • Liver cancer
    • Fatty liver disease
    • Liver adenoma
    • Primary biliary cholangitis

    Dr. Ankur Garg

    Dr. Ankur Garg

    Specialist:      Surgical Gastroenterologist
    Experience:   15+ years of experience
    Hospital:        Sanar International Hospital

    About Doctor:

    • HOD
    • Dr. Ankur Garg is a renowned Surgical Gastroenterologist who specializes in Hepatobiliary, Pancreatic Surgeon, and Liver Transplant.
    • Dr. Ankur Garg is one of the country’s foremost surgeons. Enamored with surgical procedures at a young age, he has been an enthusiastic medical practitioner.

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      Sanar International Hospital Gurugram, Delhi NCR

      Sanar International Hospital

      Number of beds:   130
      ICU Beds:                  35
      Airport Distance:  20 Km

      About Hospital:

      • Sanar International Hospital was established in 2018.
      • Sanar International Hospital founded by Mr. Naresh Kapoor.
      • Sanar International Hospital offers comprehensive advanced surgical care in specialties like Cancer, Heart, Blood and Marrow Transplant, Lung, Liver, and Neurosciences along with other major departments with advanced state-of-the-art facilities.

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