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Dermatology In Jaslok Hospital Mumbai

At Jaslok, the dermatology department delivers comprehensive consultation services for all routine general dermatology cases, be itpediatric, adolescent or geriatric ones.

The panel of dermatologists attends not only to routine general dermatologyconcerns like eczema, psoriasis, vitiligo, acne, pigmentation, long standing itching cases etc which come routinely seeking often a second opinion,but, to skin concerns due to internal illnesses like kidney, liver, endocrine issues of thyroid, PCOD etc. These can also be jointly dealt with physicians of other respective departments for delivering more efficient and robust patient oriented solutions. Skin – being a mirror of internal organs, other organs including the mind plays its role.

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    Psycho-cutaneous dermatology too is practiced at Jaslok.

    Apart from general dermatology, cosmetic consultations are also offered on a very routine basis. All dermatologists are trained trichologists too and at Jaslok hair related concerns, predominantly hair loss is routinely addressed, be it alopecia areata , male pattern hair loss or female excessive hair shedding cases

    Procedures offered at the department are:

    • Skin biopsy to aid clinical / confirm diagnosis
    • Chemical peels for rejuvenation, acne, pigmentation
    • Acne treatments like comedone extraction, subcision, DERMAROLLER (Microneedling) for scars
    • Electrocautery & Radiofrequency for warts, benign tumours, skin tags etc
    • Liquid N2 CryoRx for warts, corns, keloids, superficial skin cancers, pre malignant skin conditions etc
    • Intralesional steroid injections for keloids, acne etc.
    • UVB light treatment for Psoriasis vitiligo
    • Vitiligo surgery
    • PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) for hair loss, acne scars

    Hair Clinic

    Special attention is paid to patients with hair loss.
    For female patients, hormonal profiling and ultrasound are performed routinely to rule out polycystic ovaries. Trichogram analysis is carried out on all patients.

    They are also put through various diagnostic tests, including serum iron level, serum ferritin level and thyroid function. Based on the nature of the abnormality, patients are often treated in concordance with an haematologist or endocrinologist.

    Acanthosis Nigricans

    Patients (usually obese patients) with excessive darkening and thickening of skin in the body folds, specially the armpit, are investigated using various tests such as fasting sugar level, serum insulin level, lipid profile and measurement of weight and percentage body fat (or body mass index). Female patients are subjected to ultrasound to detect the presence of cystic ovaries.

    Acne Rosacea Clinic

    All patients with acne, especially females, are assessed for their hormonal status. Isotretinoin is routinely prescribed and gives excellent results. Biopsy is always performed to exclude the possibilities of other diseases.


    The department attracts large number of patients with psoriasis because excellent results have been obtained by offering a combination therapy that could include oral calcium, oral omega-3, oral isotretinoin, oral methotrexate or cyclosporine along with UVB therapy. Once patients go into remission, they are put on maintenance PUVA therapy (a combination of UVA and chemical psoralen).

    Atopic Dermatitis

    The treatment results of atopic dermatitis (eczema), both in adults and children, have been very encouraging.


    • Hyperpigmentation cosmetology procedures are carried out to treat hyperpigmentation, especially melasma
    • Chemical peels with alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) of different concentrations are used for treatment


    • Micropunch graft and thin Thiersch’s graft are used for treating vitiligo patients
    • Acne scars are revised by radiofrequency knife and, at times, chemically by the application of 50% trichloroacetic acid (TCA). Superficial acne scars are also subjected to chemical peels as a form of skin polishing
    • Filler Injections: Restylane and Perlane injections are used to obliterate the nasolabial fold for giving a rejuvenated, younger look
    • Botox injections are used to remove frown lines, crow’s feet and worry lines
    • Non-surgical facelifts
    • Procedures including medical tattooing for treating lips, vitiligo and recreating eyebrows are performed with great results
    • Earlobe repair with TCA application
    • Shave excision, thin Thiersch’s graft for vitiligo and non-healing ulcers
    • Paring of corns with cryotherapy
    • Removal of molluscum with curette
    • Electrocautery and cryotherapy of warts

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