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Blastocyst Transfer Treatment in Ferticity Fertility Clinics Delhi India

Blastocyst Transfer

A blastocyst is an embryo of 5-6 days of age. This is produced in the lab during an IVF treatment.
A mother’s eggs and a father’s sperm are fertilized in the lab and various embryos are produced. These embryos are then allowed to mature for up to 5 or 6 days to make the embryo healthier and stronger.
This improves the chances of the embryo getting implanted in the uterus successfully and resulting in pregnancy. This fertilized egg or blastocyst is then transferred to the mother’s womb and allowed to hatch.
The blastocyst has two types of cells, the outer ones develop into the placenta and the inner ones develop into the baby.
Blastocyst Transfer Treatment can increase the chances of pregnancy to a greater extent thereby giving IVF the highest success rate than ever.

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    How is Blastocyst Transfer different from Normal IVF procedure?

    In Blastocyst transfer, the embryo is cultured for 5 days before transferring to the uterus.

    With this process, only healthy growing and best embryos are transferred to the mother’s uterus. This eliminates the risk of multiple pregnancies as a single embryo can also be transferred. While in an IVF procedure, a few embryos are implanted which sometimes results in twin pregnancy.

    What are the benefits of Blastocyst Transfer at Ferticity?

    • Multiple pregnancies (twins or triplets etc) can be avoided
    • Only healthy embryos are implanted in the uterus
    • The risk of genetic abnormalities reduces to a great extent
    • In a natural pregnancy, the embryo reaches the uterus on day 6 so it is more natural to transfer the blastocyst at this stage

    Who can benefit from Blastocyst Culture and Transfer?

    • Patients having recurrent failures of IVF
    • Females having healthy eggs and embryo
    • Patients using Frozen embryos can benefit from blastocyst transfer treatment as well
    • If there are fewer embryos for transfer then they are allowed to grow up to 5-6 days to enhance the chances of pregnancy
    • Patients who have 1 child and don’t want multiple pregnancies can also benefit from blastocyst transfer treatment.

    We at Ferticity Fertility Clinics are the Best Blastocyst Transfer IVF treatment in Delhi. During our Blastocyst Transfer Treatment, we transfer just 1 or 2 blastocysts at a time, as transferring more than 2 blastocysts can lead to multiple pregnancies.

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      Ferticity Fertility Clinics, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi

      Ferticity Fertility Clinics

      12, Navjeevan Vihar, Geetanjali Enclave, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi, Delhi 110017

      Airport:  11.8 km

      About Hospital:

      • Ferticity Fertility Clinics, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi is a group of top fertility doctors committed to providing their patients with the best care possible. We produce the most significant outcomes possible in our profession using state-of-the-art technology in a welcoming setting.
      • Ferticity Fertility Clinics is India’s 1st Independent NABH Accredited IVF Centre.
      • Facilities at our centre include a Spacious waiting area, PVT/Deluxe Rooms, Modular operation theatres, State of the Art IVF Lab, a World-Class Andrology Lab, In House Pharmacy, an In-house Pathologist, an International Patient Lounge & Assistant desk, a Large Conference Room, Email/Video consultation and Vibrant Cafe with a soothing ambience

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