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Audiology & Speech Therapy In Jaslok Hospital Mumbai

Audiology And Speech Therapy Department

The Jaslok Hospital has the best audiology and speech therapy department. It is a dual sound treated room. Patients from all over India are treated in this department for deafness, hoarseness speech defects. Jaslok hospital has been the pioneer for cochlear implant rehabilitation.

Equipments In The Department:

  • Pure Tone Audiometer With Speakers,
  • Impedance Audiometer


  • Pure tone audiogram.
  • Free-field audiogram for pediatric patients
  • Special tests for recruitment (vertigo/guidiness)
  • Aided audiogram (with hearing aid)
  • Hearing aid trial
  • Impedance audiogram (for ruling out middle ear pathology)

Speech Therapy

  • Delayed language and speech in children. ·Delay in language and speech with hearing abnormality.
  • Delay in language and speech with mental retardation.
  • Faulty articulation.
  • Stammering.
  • Voice problems.
  • Aphasics. (after stroke)
  • Laryngectomee (Cancer patients after surgery)

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