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Arterial Switch Surgery in India

The Arterial Switch procedure, also known as the Jatene switch procedure, is an intervention designed to correct the D-transposition of the great arteries (D-TGA) at the level of the aorta and main pulmonary artery.
During the arterial switch surgery, arteries are put back in the correct place, the aorta is detached from the right atrium and connected to the left atrium; the pulmonary artery is detached from the left atrium and tied to the right atrium. The coronary arteries are cut out of the pulmonary artery and attached to the aorta.
The right doctor to consult for Arterial Switch Surgery is a Cardiac Surgeon.
The success rate varies between 62-76%.
Arterial Switch

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    Dr. Bhaba Nanda Das

    Cardiac Surgeon

    Dr. Ajay Kaul

    Cardiac Surgeon

    Dr. S.S. Bansal

    Cardiac Surgeon

    Dr. Naresh Trehan

    Cardiac Surgeon

    Apollo Hospital

    New Delhi

    SSB Hospital


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