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Anaesthesiology In Jaslok Hospital Mumbai

Anaesthesiology is a specialised branch of medicine dedicated to effective pain relief and total care of the surgical patient–before, during and after surgery. Anaesthesiologists help ensure the safety of patients undergoing surgery. Since the inception of this hospital in 1973, the Department of Anaesthesia at Jaslok Hospital has been operational.

In addition to the operation theatre complex, they provide safe and efficient anaesthesia services in various locations/scenarios within the hospital.

Services are provided for the following departments:

CardiacCatheterization Lab

  • Endoscopy
  • Digital subtraction angiography (DSA) Lab
  • IVF
  • CT Scan
  • MRI
  • Focused MRI (MRgFUS)
  • Radiotherapy and Radiation
  • Nuclear Medicine

We also have an anesthesiology OPD, wherein surgical patients are pre-operatively evaluated by consultant anesthesiologists and patients are counselled about the plan of anesthesia and other concerns.

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