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Cancer Care Treatment In Sanar International Hospital Delhi India

Sanar International Hospitals provides the best oncological care with specialized treatment for all cancer types. Since cancer is one of the major concerns in the world, our team keeps itself updated with the latest advancements in this field and cultivates new-age techniques to reduce the complexities, pain, and help patients in a faster recovery.
Cancer is no longer taken as a terminal end-of-life disease. Many cancer cases are potentially curable with early detection and timely treatment. Even in advanced-stage cancers, newer modalities of treatment could help to increase life expectancy significantly, they also help in the reduction of symptoms, and improvement of the quality of life.

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    Our highly experienced and skilled team of medical oncologists, Hemato-oncologists, surgical oncologists, interventional radiologists, oncopathologists, and others, is very well trained to provide the best and most advanced world-class care.
    Medical Oncology
    It’s a cancer treatment that uses drugs to destroy cancer cells. Our cancer center is well equipped to treat cancer patients with all the latest modalities of therapy like-

    • Chemotherapy – These are the drugs that act directly on cancer cells and help to stop or slow down the growth of cancer
    • Immunotherapy – It is a therapy that uses substances to stimulate the immune system of the body to act against cancer cells.
    • Targeted Therapy – Targeted therapy or Precision medicine uses drugs to act against molecularly detected targets on cancer cells.
    • Hormonal Therapy – It helps reduce the growth of cancer cells that are dependent on hormones for their growth and proliferation.
    • Palliative Care – It is the medical, psychological, social, and spiritual care of a cancer patient to improve his/her quality of life.

    Surgical Oncology
    Surgical Oncology is a part of cancer treatment procedure that uses surgery to treat cancer. Our internationally recognized surgical cancer team is skilled in performing various surgical procedures and has delivered a number of positive outcomes even in complex cases. We are well equipped to perform complex cancer surgeries with all recent techniques, including minimally invasive modalities.
    Following are the broad categories of surgical oncology surgeries done for cancer-

    • Curative As the name suggests, these surgeries are done to completely remove the cancer
    • Preventive  Surgery has a role even in cancer prevention in some high-risk cases. Surgeons remove the cluster of tissues or lumps from the body that may convert into tumors in the future.
    • Debulking  Sometimes, it is not possible for the tumor to be removed entirely. Under such circumstances, debulking surgery may be done to reduce the bulk of tumour.

    Hemato Oncology
    This section is dedicated to manage blood cancers. The “Blood and Marrow Transplant” (make it clickable) department at Sanar International Hospitals has established itself as a center for excellence in the treatment of blood-related deformities.
    Interventional Radiology
    Before starting the treatment for cancer, correct diagnosis is the most important aspect. A biopsy is taken from the site of the tumour that is further tested in the laboratory to detect cancer. Sometimes, cancer is located in deeper tissues of the body, that can only be reached under the guidance of imaging modalities like Ultrasound, CT scan, MRI, etc.
    Our team of interventional radiologists is skilled and experienced in undertaking image-guided biopsies from deep-seated and hard-to-reach areas.

    Dr. Dharma Choudhary

    Dr. Dharma Choudhary

    Specialist:      Hematologic Oncologist, BMT Specialist
    Experience:    20+ years of experience
    Hospital:          Sanar International Hospital

    About Doctor:

    • Director and HOD
    • Dr. Dharma is a highly acclaimed clinician in the field of Hematology & Marrow transplant and he is widely acknowledged for his patient-centric approach.
    • With more than 20 years of experience.

    Dr. Sunny Garg

    Dr. Sunny Garg

    Specialist:     Medical Oncologist
    Experience:  10+ years of experience
    Hospital:       Sanar International Hospital

    About Doctor:

    • HOD & Senior Consultant
    • Dr. Sunny Garg is counted among the best Medical Oncologists of the country with more than 10 years of experience.
    • He is specialized in treating all types of cancers and is widely acknowledged for treating some of the hard-to-treat cancers.

    Dr. Divya Doval

    Dr. Divya Doval

    Specialist:      Hemato-Oncologist & BMT Specialist
    Experience:   14+ years of experience
    Hospital:         Sanar International Hospital

    About Doctor:

    • Consultant
    • Dr. Divya Doval is currently working at Sanar International Hospital Gurugram.
    • With a vast experience of 14 years, Dr. Divya excels in this specialty.

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      Sanar International Hospital Gurugram, Delhi NCR

      Sanar International Hospital

      Number of beds:   130
      ICU Beds:                  35
      Airport Distance:  20 Km

      About Hospital:

      • Sanar International Hospital was established in 2018.
      • Sanar International Hospital founded by Mr. Naresh Kapoor.
      • Sanar International Hospital offers comprehensive advanced surgical care in specialties like Cancer, Heart, Blood and Marrow Transplant, Lung, Liver, and Neurosciences along with other major departments with advanced state-of-the-art facilities.

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