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Endocrinology In Fortis Hospital Noida

Dr. Rakesh Kumar Prasad

Dr. Rakesh Kumar Prasad

Specialist:        Endocrinologist
Experience:     14+ years of experience
Hospital:           Fortis Hospital, Noida

About Doctor:

  • Dr. Rakesh Kumar Prasad Currently associated as Senior Consultant with Department of Endocrinology & Diabetes at Fortis Hospital, Noida with the experience of 14 years.
  • Dr. Rakesh Kumar Prasad Specializes in Hypothyroid, Hyperthyroid, Pituitary Disorders, Cushing Disease, Bone & Mineral Disorders, Infertility, Hirsutism, Menstrual Disorders, Growth Disorders, Male Infertility & Impotence, Adrenal Disorders hypo functioning as well as hyper functioning glands, and Androgen Deficiency
  • Dr. Rakesh Kumar Prasad Associated as Chairman of ‘Scientific Committee’, API, India

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