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Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine In Jaypee Hospital Noida Delhi India

The Department of Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine is a well-equipped facility committed to transforming scientific findings into effective treatment options required for respiratory diseases, critical medical disorders and sleep disorders.

Bronchoscopy is a common procedure done in order to determine causes of abnormal imaging on chest xrays and CT scans. This usually was a limited approach since the bronchoscope earlier was a rigid one with restricted entry. Now with our flexible bronchoscopy, our physicians can go deeper into your respiratory system, and can perform various procedures including biopsies, fluid suctioning, and cancer detection. This aids our pulmonologists to accurately diagnose your condition and also treat* it at the same sitting.

Dr. Gyanendra Agarwal

Dr. Gyanendra Agarwal

Specialist:        Pulmonologist
Experience:     12+ years of experience
Hospital:           Jaypee Hospital, Noida

About Doctor:

  • Director, Department of Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine
  • Dr. Agrawal has more than 12 years of rich experience of managing a wide variety of critically ill patients especially those with respiratory ailments.
  • He has done more than 1200 flexible bronchoscopies and about 300 medical thoracoscopies.

Get Opinion From India’s Best Doctors

    We offers these Services

    • Providing a doctor’s opinion and proper quotation
    • Selecting the best hospital and doctor as per your case
    • Arranging a call with the doctor (if the case required)
    • Visa assistance, Providing Visa Invitation Letter (VIL)
    • Providing full guidance how to get Visa from your country
    • Providing total cost including treatment, air tickets, accommodation, and food
    • Assitance to book flight ticket from your country
    • Arranging airport pick up/ drop
    • Providing professional language interpreter
    • Booking accommodation and guest house as per your budget/ prefrence
    • Providing help in money exchanging
    • Providing local sim card
    • Arranging video consultation with specialist doctor if case requires
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