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Infertility Treatment in Ferticity Fertility Clinics Delhi India

Infertility is the inability to conceive or get pregnant even after having unprotected intercourse for over a year. Infertility is common in females above 35 years old as the egg quality and quantity decline rapidly after this age. Females should seek infertility treatment as early as possible because the sooner the cause of infertility is diagnosed the higher the chances of future pregnancy will be. An early diagnosis will also help in providing the right treatment by the fertility expert which will improve the chances of a successful pregnancy.

Ferticity IVF & Fertility Clinics has been the best Infertility Treatment centre in Delhi. We are known to provide the best female infertility treatment in Delhi, India, with more than 40 years of combined expertise and thousands of joys delivered to families by IVF and other methods.

Symptoms of Infertility in Females:

  • Irregular Periods (menstrual cycle)
  • Less amount of bleeding (spotting) in menstrual periods or heavy bleeding
  • Absence of periods (amenorrhoea)
  • Painful periods
  • Hormonal imbalance factors such as adult acne, excessive facial hair, weight fluctuations, etc

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    Females who are prone to Infertility are:

    • Smokers and alcoholic
    • Obese or very thin females
    • Excessive gyming or exercising
    • Presence of thyroid diseases
    • Diabetes
    • Age more than 35 years
    • Who remain exposed to certain chemicals or rays
    • Women with a habit of crash dieting

    What are the causes of Female Infertility in India?

    The most common causes of female infertility in India are uterus diseases, advancing maternal age and fallopian tube blockage. Some of the most common causes are

    • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOD)
    • Ovarian cysts
    • Endometriosis (excessive thickness outside uterine walls)
    • Adhesions in the uterus – can be due to any previous surgery or pelvic infection, etc.
    • Trying to get pregnant after 35 years of age for the first time
    • Uterine fibroids or polyps
    • Antisperm antibodies in females
    • Genetic abnormality of the uterus
    • Blocked fallopian tubes such as hydrosalpinx etc.

    What are the Tests performed when a couple comes for Infertility Treatment in Delhi at Ferticity IVF & Fertility Clinics?

     We at Ferticity, assess the couple first, talk to them about their biological clock, expectations and previous experiences. Some of the most common questions we ask are 

    • Is the female partner forming an egg during her cycle? Remember that cycles may be anovulatory (no egg formation) even if the menstrual cycle is completely regular
    • Are her fallopian tubes open? Fallopian tubes perform the important task of picking up an egg after ovulation, hosting it in its lumen for fertilization and then shifting the embryo into the uterus for further growth
    • Are all the hormones that set up these events normal?
    • Is the uterus normal – as it has to allow implantation of the embryo and nurture the fetus for the next 9 months?

    For the male partner, a semen analysis is performed to check for the semen quality and assessment of sperm count, shape and motility.

    So, a basic evaluation is done at first which includes semen analysis, ultrasound for confirming ovulation and uterine problems, blood tests for thyroid, prolactin and ovarian reserve (FSH, LH, E2 & AMH) and a test for the health of the fallopian tubes.

    The health of the fallopian tubes (Tubal patency) can be tested through HSG – which is an X-ray-based dye test or SSG – an ultrasound-based test.

    Infertility treatments are available at Ferticity IVF & Fertility Clinics Delhi

    Ferticity Fertility Clinics is a dedicated fertility clinic in Delhi and we have all kinds of world-class fertility treatments. The treatment depends upon the cause of infertility in the couple after a complete diagnosis is done. Based on the cause, treatment options are suggested to the couple.

    Some of the most popular treatment methods we offer are

    • IVF– In IVF, the sperm and eggs of the couple are taken and fertilized in the lab to form an embryo. This embryo is then implanted in the mother’s womb to achieve pregnancy. In-vitro fertilization or IVF has given babies to thousands of childless couples at Ferticity Fertility Clinics. We are proud of being one of the best IVF clinics in Delhi with the highest success rates.
    • IUI – Intrauterine Insemination is the process by which fertilization is facilitated by injecting the sperm into the woman’s uterus.
    • We have a plethora of treatments for infertility so that the couple can have their best choice of treatment without any difficulty. Our other treatments are IMSI, Surrogacy, hysteroscopy and laparoscopy, etc.
    • We also provide Assisted Embryo Hatching, Embryoscope, Embryo Freezing and Genetic Embryo Screeningto help you in every possible way to fulfill your dream of parenthood.
    • For Male Infertility Treatment, we provide sperm retrieval techniquessuch as TESA/PESA andMicro TESE.
    • We offer a Donor IVF programme for femaleswho are not able to produce healthy eggs.

    Ferticity Fertility Clinics is the one-stop solution for all infertility issues treatments in Delhi, India. We provide you with the best treatment that makes you a proud parent of your baby.

    Get Opinion From India’s Best Doctors

      We offers these Services

      • Providing a doctor’s opinion and proper quotation
      • Selecting the best hospital and doctor as per your case
      • Arranging a call with the doctor (if the case required)
      • Visa assistance, Providing Visa Invitation Letter (VIL)
      • Providing full guidance how to get Visa from your country
      • Providing total cost including treatment, air tickets, accommodation, and food
      • Assitance to book flight ticket from your country
      • Arranging airport pick up/ drop
      • Providing professional language interpreter
      • Booking accommodation and guest house as per your budget/ prefrence
      • Providing help in money exchanging
      • Providing local sim card
      • Arranging video consultation with specialist doctor if case requires
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      Ferticity Fertility Clinics, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi

      Ferticity Fertility Clinics

      12, Navjeevan Vihar, Geetanjali Enclave, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi, Delhi 110017

      Airport:  11.8 km

      About Hospital:

      • Ferticity Fertility Clinics, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi is a group of top fertility doctors committed to providing their patients with the best care possible. We produce the most significant outcomes possible in our profession using state-of-the-art technology in a welcoming setting.
      • Ferticity Fertility Clinics is India’s 1st Independent NABH Accredited IVF Centre.
      • Facilities at our centre include a Spacious waiting area, PVT/Deluxe Rooms, Modular operation theatres, State of the Art IVF Lab, a World-Class Andrology Lab, In House Pharmacy, an In-house Pathologist, an International Patient Lounge & Assistant desk, a Large Conference Room, Email/Video consultation and Vibrant Cafe with a soothing ambience

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