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Heart Block Treatment in India

Heart Block is a disease of the electric system of the heart. The heart beats irregularly and at a slower pace than previously, and in some cases may even stop beating.
Heart Block treatment includes medications, such as taking an aspirin daily or another blood thinner, which can reduce the tendency of the blood to clot, and angioplasty or surgery in severe cases.
The right doctor to consult for a Heart Blockage is a Cardiac Surgeon.
Heart Block can be diagnosed through an electrocardiogram (EKG) that records the heart’s electrical activity.
Post-treatment, the success rate is around 91-93%.
Heart Block Treatment

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    Dr. Bhaba Nanda Das

    Cardiac Surgeon

    Dr. Ajay Kaul

    Cardiac Surgeon

    Dr. S.S. Bansal

    Cardiac Surgeon

    Dr. Naresh Trehan

    Cardiac Surgeon

    Apollo Hospital

    New Delhi

    SSB Hospital


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